

Diabetes Education

At PDC Health Hub and Perth Diabetes Care, we provide diabetes information, diabetes education and support to people diagnosed with all forms of diabetes (including type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, LADA, MODY and Gestational Diabetes). Our Credentialled Diabetes Educators can also support patient’s family members and carers of people living with diabetes.

PDC Health Hub and Perth Diabetes Care Credentialled Diabetes Educators' focus on self-management education and have in-depth knowledge on all aspects of Diabetes. Our Credentialled Diabetes Educators are health professionals who have undergone further study and have considerable experience in their fields (Pharmacist Diabetes Educators, Nurse Diabetes Educators and Dietitian Diabetes Educators).

Having a multidiscipline team that can include Credentialled Diabetes Educators, Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists and Podiatrists working collaboratively under one team, Perth Diabetes Care can assist in making living with diabetes less stressful. The Perth Diabetes Care team can provide education on all types of diabetes such as:

  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults)
  • MODY (Mature Onset Diabetes of the Young)

An Individualised Diabetes Approach

We offer an individualised approach to living with diabetes, working with you to determine identified needs, your goals and take into consideration your life experience and knowledge about your diabetes. Our Diabetes Educator team can assist in all aspects from providing technology such as:

  • ​​Latest Glucose Monitors
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  • Flash Glucose Monitoring
  • Bolus Calculators
  • Insulin Pump Therapy (Initiation, upgrades and problem solving)

To providing links to other health professionals for particular focus such as:

Or it can be an appointment to further understand diabetes or diabetes medications, its effects, monitoring and recommendations. We will work closely with you and your healthcare team.

PDC Health Hub and Perth Diabetes Care also offer diabetes training and support to health agencies, health providers and family on all aspects of diabetes. The training provided can include management of insulin administration, hypoglycaemia from diabetes treatments to general education on diabetes.

Diabetes Services Provided

Our diabetes services are also open to your support network such as family members, friends, work colleagues, work places and carers.

Some of the diabetes services available at PDC Health Hub and Perth Diabetes Care include:

  • Individual diabetes education appointments
  • Diabetes Group education programs
  • Insulin start, ongoing insulin titration and insulin review
  • Bolus advisor meter setup and ongoing review
  • Continuous glucose monitoring service
  • Insulin Pump initiation
  • Insulin Pump upgrades
  • Insulin Pump troubleshooting and problem solving
  • Diabetes Clinic for teens and young adults living with diabetes
  • Type 1 Diabetes Collective (T1DC)

Diabetes Education Services

Diabetes Educator Team

Jeffery Au

Credentialled Diabetes Educator

Book a Diabetes Educator Appointment

Teresa Di Franco

Credentialled Diabetes Educator

Book a Diabetes Educator Appointment

Caitlin Parker

Credentialled Diabetes Educator
Accredited Practising Dietitian

Book a Diabetes Educator Appointment

Kartier Falkenberg

Credentialled Diabetes Educator

Book a Diabetes Educator Appointment

Kate Nell

Credentialled Diabetes Educator

Book a Diabetes Educator Appointment

Diabetes Resources

PDC - Diabetes and Travel Checklist
My T1D with PDC - Information package
My T2D with PDC Information Package
PDC Submission - Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes in Australia
PDC Case Conferencing Request Form
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Diabetes Educator services at Kalamunda PDC Health hub
Diabetes travel alert cards
Diabetes and mental health supports - Psychologists
Movement is Medicine for T2D Flyer
PDC Care Plans Information Handout
PDC GP Referral Directory
PDC Pregnancy & Diabetes Package Flyer

Diabetes Information

Blood Glucose Meters

Insulin Pumps

Diabetes Blog