
Tips for Families: Helping People Make Healthy Choices

Evan Waterhouse

Supporting family members in making healthy choices can be a rewarding and impactful endeavour. Here are some specific tips to guide your family in fostering healthier habits:

Lead by Example

Children and other family members often mimic the behaviours they see. By choosing nutritious snacks and meals, you set a positive example. Incorporate various foods from the five core food groups: vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, and dairy. For instance, serve vegetables like celery sticks with hummus or cherry tomatoes with reduced-fat cheese.

Stock the Right Foods

Avoid pre-packaged snacks that are often high in saturated fats, added sugars, and salt. Instead, keep your pantry and fridge stocked with healthy options. Opt for whole foods such as fresh fruits, wholegrain crackers, and low-fat dairy products. A simple snack could be a boiled egg with wholegrain toast, homemade vegetable fritters, chopped vegetables (carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes) in Tupperware in the fridge or vita-wheats.

Plan and Prepare Together

Engage the whole family in meal planning and preparation. This not only teaches children about healthy eating but also makes them more likely to enjoy the food. Try making fruit kebabs together with bananas, watermelon, and strawberries or preparing homemade pizza on wholegrain English muffins.

Encourage Physical Activity

Promote regular physical activity by planning family outings that involve exercise, such as biking or playing sports. Making exercise a family affair can motivate everyone to stay active and enjoy the benefits together.

Educate and Communicate

Seek free information from accredited dietitians and use it to teach family members about the benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise. Use age-appropriate language to explain how nutritious foods help fuel the body and mind. Discuss why certain foods, like air-popped popcorn or rice cakes with avocado, are healthier choices.

Set Realistic Goals

Encourage setting achievable health goals and celebrate small victories. This keeps motivation high and helps build lasting habits. For example, aim to include one or two healthy snacks in daily meals and gradually increase physical activity levels, make it fun with games or activities you find online and have everyone involved as we learn more through fun.

Be Patient and Positive

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Provide positive reinforcement for healthy choices and avoid negative comments (can still be assertive/resolute). Patience and encouragement are key to fostering a supportive environment that promotes healthier lifestyles.

By incorporating these tips and creating a supportive environment, families can effectively encourage healthier choices and contribute to the overall well-being of all members.

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