
Type 2 Diabetes nutrition tips from an Accredited Practising Dietitian


PDC Health Hub

Are you struggling to understand GI?? Can’t remember which foods are low GI and which are high GI? You're not alone! Try these tips:

  • Simply pair your carbohydrate-based food with fat/protein and fibre and you have already helped to reduce the GI of your meal!
  • Example: Vita weats with cheese + avocado / Apple + peanut butter or a handful nuts / Banana + high protein yoghurt


How to build a healthy, balanced plate

  • Aim for your plate to be roughly ½ vegetables or salad, ¼ low GI carbohydrate, ¼ lean protein


Carbs are our friends!

  • Evenly distribute your intake across the day – this helps to maintain stable blood sugars to maintain energy levels and prevent tiredness, it regulates your appetite and will help stop you from getting over hungry and overeating.
  • Remember your portions (roughly 1x fist size, ½ - 1 cup , ¼ of your dinner plate)
  • Carbs can get lonely - they like friends! Try including a source of healthy fat and protein with them, even at snack time -> e.g. protein yogurt + banana + cinnamon, cheese and grainy crackers, apple + peanut butter, toast + avocado


Remember your water

  • Aim for minimum 2L per day. If you find that you are not close to this, gradually work towards increasing it by a little bit more every day. You could try 1x extra glass per day, use a drink bottle or flavour your water if you need with fresh lemon/lime.


Preparation is key

  • Prepare your meals and snacks the night before
  • Leftovers are great!
  • Have a list of backup supermarket snacks in case you get caught out


There are also other important things that can help improve blood sugars apart from just nutrition and exercise!

  • Stress management and mindfulness – learn mindfulness strategies, try some apps or start a gratitude journal
  • Sleep is so often under-rated. Create a relaxing pre-bedtime routine, aim to go to bed at same time every night, dim lights an hour before bedtime, avoid screens (phones, TVs) 30 – 60 mins before bed, read a book or journal to unwind as part of your pre-bedtime routine.

If you have any further questions or want to delve a little deeper into any of the above tips, book in with a dietitian at PDC who can work with you on your health goals. When you have diabetes it is really important to surround yourself with a good healthcare team. The team at PDC are here to help.

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